
News & Events / Nevisport

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At Nevisport we believe in providing the best in outdoor gear and helping our customers find the right outdoor supplies for their needs. Whether you’re skiing, hiking or camping in the wilderness, we’ve got a wide range of outdoor gear to elevate your next adventure. Our expert staff have chosen from the best available clothing and equipment so that our customers can be sure they are getting the finest outdoor products at some of the best prices.

Find a huge range of gear and outdoor clothing from trusted brands; browse a collection of outdoor wear for men and women from Rab, running and trail shoes from Hoka, ski wear from Columbia or hiking boots from Scarpa, and much more. Whatever your sport we have chosen fantastic designs that will help you to be at your best with Nevisport.

Opening Hours:
Mon – Sat: 9am – 6pm
Sun: 10am – 5pm